You can now use Piano Marvel on your iPhone. Currently, there are multiple ways to use Piano Marvel with your iPhone! Watch the video or read more below to learn more.
On-Screen Keyboard: The simple solution requires no accessories if you want to use the on-screen keyboard. Simply select the 24-key or 36-key on-screen keyboard from the preferences menu to choose the best keyboard for your screen.
24-key keyboard

36-key keyboard

MIDI Cable: You can also connect your phone to a MIDI-enabled keyboard for advanced songs and a wider range of notes.
With a direct MIDI connection, you will be able to play on your MIDI keyboard and get accurate scoring and feedback from Piano Marvel. There are a few different connection options here that we will cover. The best connection option will depend on the connection options that your digital piano/keyboard provides.
If your piano has a “Host” connection you can connect an iPhone or iPad to your piano using one of these methods.
Use a dedicated USB Host to lightning cable
This option is simple and cost-effective. However, you will not be able to charge your iPhone or iPad while you are using this connection.
Use a USB A/B cable (also known as a printer cable) with an adaptor for your phone’s lightning connection port.
This option requires a cable and an adaptor and does cost more. The advantage to this connection method is that you will be able to charge your iPhone or iPad while you are using this configuration.
If your piano has a MIDI out connection, you can use a MIDI Interface Cable with an adaptor for your phone’s lightning connection port.